12:09 PM

March 2010

We are currently finishing up a number of different projects some of which I hope to post on this blog. The most exciting being that I have learned how to save a podcast and get the code to embed in this blog. As soon as my 8th graders have finished a podcast, I will try and see if we are successful!

Grade 7 are creating some awesome Photoshop collages
Grade 6 are creating movies about the Character Pillars - I am looking forward to seeing if we can embed these as well
Grade 5 is learning kerpoof.com

10 days to Spring Break - will we survive?

8:02 AM

February 2010

I got caught up with end of first semester stuff and a new group of kids starting their semester of Technology, and posting is the last thought on my mind.

I have learned new things about blogging including using new backgrounds and how to insert sound. Now takes the effort to get it to work at my district and with our various blocks. Be patient.

Grade 8 is working on Flash animation
Grade 7 is making commercials using Abode Premiers Elements
Grade 6 is making a Fairy Tale using Powerpoint and Access. I hope to save the best as .jpegs and turn them into movies
Grade 5 is working with Publisher making cards and calendars.

The more I learn, the less I know!!

Welcome to Madison #1 Technology Lab