10:32 AM

October 08 2009

Time flies - a month has almost past since the last post.

We have been busy.

Grade 8 have been using goanimate.com and learning about communicating using Web2.0. The lessons were focused on responsibility and what not to post and consequences of creating posts that are inflammatory or insulting. Some decided to push the envelope and discovered how to get zero as a grade and kicked off the site. They have now started their scary story podcasts which I will post as they are created.
Grade 7 had been using PhotoShop to create collage on a topic that they choose.
Grade 6 have been creating a PowerPoint about a Fairy Tale.
Grade 5 have leaned how to use animation in PowerPoint, we also sidetracked to Kerpoof.com where they learned to make an animated movie including timing.

Hard to believe that the first quarter of the school year ends tomorrow and grades are due. I am pleased with the progress the students have made this semester. It is fun working with kids that want to learn new things.

1:01 PM

Thursday September 17 09

And so we learn.

Cannot figure out how to get the Flash on to a blog page and cannot get the movie to attach to the PowerPoint so can embed. So much to learn so little time!!

Moving on however.

Grade 7 and 8 are trying out goanimation.com. The most successful will be posted.
Grade 6 is creating a huge PowerPoint about the Mysterious Forest - you will have to wait a while for that
Grade 5 is learning how to edit Word documents so nothing exciting to post - sorry.

1:46 PM

Our Year

We have been back at school now for 3 weeks and the students are starting to complete their first project. Go to our different Blogs for each Grade and see what they are doing. Remember we are all still learning, so be patient with us.

Grade 8 - Flash animation
Grade 7 - PowerPoint/Excel/MovieMaker
Grade 6 - Publisher Extinct Animals
Grade 5 - Word Rebus Stories

11:57 AM

Dear Parents/Guardian

A new exciting technology year is about to begin for your student. Arizona Department of Education released the new technology standards this summer. These can be found at http://www.ade.state.az.us/standards/technology/Articulated_Grade_Level/. We will be teaching technology according to these standards.

Our technology curriculum will include keyboarding; the use of many of the software applications we already use; researching techniques, safety rules as well as including more interactive communicating techniques such as wikis, blogs and other on-line tools.

Our goal, with your co-operation and support, is to provide your student with technology skills and knowledge which will enable them to succeed in this rapidly changing and growing 21st Century world. To achieve this goal, we will adopt a zero tolerance policy to all and any inappropriate use of the available technologies including the Internet.

As always, we take every precaution to protect your student from any inappropriate material. However some students will always try to “test the system”. Should this happen, that student will loose all access to technology, computers and the Internet for the remainder of the semester. This will include all technology on our campus, not just in the computer labs.

Please engage your student in a conversation about appropriate behaviors on the Internet and in the classroom environment. Then please sign below your acceptance of this agreement and return to me. Please review the student code of conduct for further information.

Should you have any questions please email me at gwatkins@msd38.org or call and leave a message at 602 664-7136 and I will respond at my earliest convenience.


Glynis Watkins

Technology Teacher

Madison #1

Welcome to Madison #1 Technology Lab